Customer Service
Welcome to our online web shop, your independent supplier of various brands of AED heart defibrillators, accessories and related resuscitation products. We distinguish ourselves from others as the only AED supplier offering free shipping costs for all UK orders, regardless of the size of your order. If you have questions about our Company, any of our products, online ordering, stock availability, or you require a quotation, do not hesitate to contact Alexandra, Jeanine or Bassam.

Telephone: 01223 790124E-mail: [email protected]Opening hours Customer service: Monday to Friday, 07.00 to 16.00 GMT
IBAN:GB85 WFST 2368 2427 3751 20
Account no. 27375120
Sort Code: 23-68-24
Address: Millbank Tower, 21-24 Millbank, Westminster, London SW1P 4QP
Head Quarter address:
Mercuriusweg 12
4382 NC Vlissingen
The Netherlands
D-U-N-S Number 40-635-3545
Bank details:
IBAN:GB85 WFST 2368 2427 3751 20
Account no. 27375120
Sort Code: 23-68-24
Address: Millbank Tower, 21-24 Millbank, Westminster, London SW1P 4QP