XFT CPR wristband

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The practical CPR wristband by XFT provides real-time CPR feedback. The wristband measures the speed and depth of chest compressions with smart accelerometers and advanced algorithms. 

Product Description

With or without the XFT Defibrillator Trainer 

Thanks to the Bluetooth connection, the CPR wristband automatically pairs with the matching XFT Defibrillator Trainer. The wristband can also be used to train CPR without the XFT Defibrillator Trainer. When the wristband is not paired, it can provide feedback on its own.   

Battery and charging 

The battery of the wristband has a duration of 6 hours and can be recharged using the USB output  After 3 hours, the wristband is fully charged.   

Product name XFT CPR wristband
Battery or electrode pad Not applicable
Suitable for model Universele AED trainer
Adult or child Adult & paediatric
Weight 0 kgs
User Manual

Click here to see the user manual